I am going to make a quickie entry for this week because I rambled on so yesterday. I am certainly on the Ampligen roller coaster. A day of feeling good is usually followed by a day of feeling awful. I think I am starting to get the hang of it though. What has impressed me most about this week has been that I am able to stave off some of the pain and usual PEM symptoms if I will lie down and take a nap. Don’t get me wrong – I still feel sick, but it isn’t as awful as it used to be.

This week I was either flat-out (a few times from just the Ampligen itself) or I was up and doing things. I played with the dogs fairly consistently this week (even the vet has noticed that our Labrador is getting trimmer!) I did a fair amount of emailing and conversing with friends and family, I went to two different places (the library and the grocery store) and I was able to sit up at the kitchen table more to do my computer work (as opposed to lying in bed).

I am actually cooking a few things. I have made bread and soup. I roasted some apples in the oven.  Not huge things, but considering that for a while I stayed away from the kitchen entirely since I had such a case of brain and body fog that I was a hazard to myself . (It was not one of my finer moments to reach into a heated oven and grab a pan without a hot pad.)

I am loosing less hair (only a small handful every day). I still have bone pain, but it is usually for only the day following the infusion. I still get the other assorted “Ampligen symptoms.” However they are slowly decreasing in intensity. Except for the nausea. I am not sure that will ever stop completely.

My classical music routine has helped me to focus better. That in combination with the Ampligen. (Maybe it is all Ampligen – I just really want some of the improvements to be because I made an effort. Sadly, that may not be the case though.) At any rate I am focusing better.

The few minutes of exercise a few times a day seems to be going well. I have managed to do this six out of the past seven days.

That is it for now. (A collective sigh of relief just came from my family since they are compelled to read this blog while the rest of you have a choice.)  
