Today I am one day shy of my six-month Ampligen free anniversary. So, how do I feel? Well, I feel okay. Some things are FAR, FAR better after the Ampligen than they have ever been before Ampligen. Some things are about the same. Nothing is worse than it was before the Ampligen. To be short in writing I’ll break it down by paragraph.

The Better:

These things improved while I was on Ampligen and have continued to remain better even after six months of being off.

Improved recovery time: I can still crash and burn easily, but I recover after two days rather than several weeks. The vast difference in recovery time is probably my favorite after Ampligen effect.

Improved sleep: I can count on a good, deep night’s sleep nearly every night. Most nights I get about 7 hours. I find that I am actually functioning better on the 7 hours I get now than the 10 – 12 hours (plus naps) I was getting before.

Improved Pain: I have less muscle pain when I do overdo it on activities than I did before taking Ampligen.

Improved Energy: While I am nowhere near my highest energy point when I was on Ampligen it is worth noting that before Ampligen I was mostly housebound. I spent the majority of the time in my home either lying down or resting on the couch. Now, six-months after Ampligen I go out about 3 – 5 times a week and get to one or sometimes two stops. Once a week I am able to get out and head off to the farm and enjoy some time with the horses. I have not been able to do that (prior to Ampligen) for about 3 years.

The Same:

I still wear out quickly and exercise is the fastest way for me to be reminded that I am not a well person.

I pay for any activity. I still get a sore throat along with fever, fatigue and muscle pain.

Onto the question I get asked the most – was it worth it to take Ampligen?

Let me put it this way. After 8 months on Ampligen and six months off I recover faster from activity. I am in (and enjoy being in) less pain on a consistent basis. I sleep every night. I leave my home consistently. It was absolutely worth it for me to take Ampligen.
